The Rojo Family Trip
to the Gene Autry Friends Fan Club Convention
in Los Angeles, August 2007
Aug.-8 Gene's house:
Started the day with the Day's Inn coffee and rolls while chatting a few with the gang. This was our last day there so did the check-out thing and loaded up the van, then drove to the Sportsman and parked.
The gang was all hanging around the entrance of the Sportsman waiting for the smaller type buses to take them to Jackie's house. No cars on Jackie's street so we did the bus as per Maxine's instructions.
While waiting for our turn for a bus ride snapped a few pictures of Jerry and Susan talking with .The Texas Trailhands. getting their $20 CD and picture signed. I got one called .San Antonio Waltz. from Miss Devon. This was one of the groups that was part of the entertainment all week that Maxine had set-up and were very good. Got a snap of Neila talking with Ray Addison and he looked a lot better than the first night we saw him so guess the Autry thing was doing some good healing for him. Susan had me take a picture of her and what she said was a new lady friend she made. Later much to my surprise Susan gave me a picture of her she had signed to me and it was Carol Adams one of Gene's leading ladies from the movie .Ridin' on a Rainbow.. Seems she had a bag of pictures she was giving out to all that asked.
Loaded up the bus with about 20 people with a short drive up a winding road to the house where Jackie was at the front door greeting all with a hand shake on there way into the house. Susan took a few pictures of Jerry and I shaking her hand but my camera's anti-shake wasn't good enough to counter Susan's shaking. They didn't come out all that well but with Susan with us we got many other shots that otherwise wouldn't have happened. We started by going up to the 2nd floor where Karla was trying to control small groups into different rooms. I had the camcorder while Susan had my camera. Karla was talking about the bedroom and how warm it was and saying they opted to not put on the fireplace due to it being August. As I was scanning the room with the camcorder I started in a low voice singing .I'm Back In The Saddle Again. and a gentleman behind me stated that's what Gene would be singing when he would bring in his breakfast. As I was talking with him and asking questions we found out he and his wife were the caretakers of the property and had been there with the Autrys since 1997.
As the 2nd floor tour was completed down to the first where I gave Susan the camcorder and I took over the camera. I can not put into words the feeling I had viewing Gene's living quarters and seeing all his memorabilia displayed in just the right locations for his viewing pleasure. His large easy chair in front of a large TV in what I would call his history room was positioned so you could see everything in that wonderful room. I just wondered what he would be thinking if he was sitting there watching ( maybe he was) all of us looking at all his accomplishments of his life on display. Luck being with me Maxine was there and I asked her to take my picture in Gene's chair as she gracefully did.
The adjoining room I guess you could call the family room with a large fireplace with chairs and tables all around displaying pictures of Gene with famous people and awards. There was a grand piano and a large player piano playing .Back In The Saddle Again. and guess someone was complaining it was to loud as Jackie came in and turned it off. There was a bar and sitting area between the family and Gene's history room that had one of Gene's rodeo saddles on display along with a very old slot machine. You can only but wonder what guests had a sit-down at that bar enjoying a Scotch with Gene and enjoying all the wonderful things all around you. While Susan was in this area filming she turned and her back-pack bump a large lamp over with a bang that I just caught and uprighted before it hit the floor. Within a few seconds a very large and I mean large security person was there inspecting to see what damage was done and with our luck holding out the lamp wasn't broken, I snapped a picture of this guy looking us over. All the rooms had wonderful western paintings and the only modern painting I seen was in Jackie's bath area.
The kitchen would be any woman's dream with a large counter leading into the dining area with the dining table on a rug that was in western style and his Flying A logos at each corner. Another great looking saddle in that room too.
As I walked out the back door and Jackie was in the middle of the gang with TV people all around doing interviews and the patio was packed so decided to wiggle myself around the crowd to check out the yard. What a view seeing the pool about the same length as the house below this sloping hill about 20 yards below with a walkway all around it. One can not stand there and not see the wonderful parties that took place there that Gene had for his friends and fans. I remember reading and seeing pictures about a few of them in fan magazines from the 1950's and now being there was just overwhelming. The first things that will catch your eyes are the bronze statues, a full size horse frolicking in the yard, the end of the trail Indian statue on the walkway on the far side of the pool in a wonderful setting in the trees. On the patio there was this great eagle with wings spread ready to take off with fish in hand. The front entrance also had two Indians on horseback greeting you. I had a wonderful walk around the pool checking out the guest house, a shaded sitting area with potted plants all around and the view all around giving you a feeling that you in the middle of a forest.
With the pack beginning to clear around Jackie we noticed fans getting their pictures with her so tried to locate my gang and get in line for the big event. Jerry was nowhere to be found so we opted to get the picture taken anyway and much to my surprise as the gal was taking the picture Jackie asked us where is Jerry. Now with greeting 140 people or so how can she remember my brother. We thanked her and let others lined up have their time in the spotlight. Did some chatting with a few friends and looked over to see Susan standing next to Jackie getting Holly's book signed for me so snapped that picture. Don't get much better than that.
Maxine now instructed the gang to go out in front of the house for the official dedication of the Gene Autry Ridge. Les Gillian started off with a song then introduced the local city officials and others that were there for the presentation to Jackie with a little history on how it all came to be. Jackie thanked them, then did a big thank you to the fans and for their steadfast dedication to Gene. The house visit was coming to a end but not before Jackie announced she was giving all the fans a large bed throw in appreciation for joining her for the centennial. This throw had the centennial logo on it and the fans went wild as Jackie helped hand them out as we all got on the buses heading to the office for lunch.